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   Good Food Choices

When eating a fruit, think of the person who planted the tree.
 ~ Vietnamese saying

Divine Intelligence guides me in every decision I make in my life. Divine Intelligence knows exactly what to do in order to create my perfect body weight. Divine Intelligence guides my food choices with love. I am open to the guidance and love of God In Action.

I choose my food well. I choose healthy foods that create the perfect body for me. I take the time to select and prepare healthy food because I love myself and I know that God loves me. I love myself the way I am and I am willing and ready to release anything that no longer serves me.

I release history around body image. I release any sense of frustration or past failures at dieting. I release any belief in deprivation or being a victim. I release excess baggage and I release excess weight.

I choose to be healthy, flexible and strong. I choose to keep my body in good shape and good order. I choose success. Having made these healthy choices I now turn it over to God. Divine Intelligence never fails. And so it is.

Dr. Jane Claypool, September 2004


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