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Sundays In Person:
9:30 Meditation, 10 AM Service, 11 AM Fellowship
Or watch online https://www.youtube.com/@CSLCarlsbad

        SOM 100          SOM 200          SOM 300

Science of Mind Classes

Science of Mind (also referred to as “Religious Science”) is the core teaching of Centers for Spiritual Living. Science of Mind is a philosophy that integrates spiritual truths with science and physics.

Purpose & Mission

Simply put, Science of Mind teaches the unity of all life. Intentions and ideas flow through a field of consciousness, which actually affects and creates the world around us. This idea is common to most major religions and is supported by the teachings of psychology and quantum physics.

About Us

In Science of Mind, we believe that the secret to living a successful life is to consciously choose positive and productive thoughts. Put another way, “As you think, so you become.” It is the intention of the International Centers for Spiritual Living to use Science of Mind principles as a force for good in our world by transforming personal lives.

The Sunday experience at Center for Spiritual Living Carlsbad is great, and the music and words inspire us. Then we mix and mingle. We meet and greet. We share with like-minded people; congeniality runs high, and we make some new friends, acquaintances or even business contacts, and it is truly a rewarding and enjoyable time.

But, what then? Do you go home to satisfyingly reconnect with those with whom you share domestic bliss? Or do you fortify yourself with the morning's message and return to the person or issue that you forgot for a couple of hours? Or perhaps you return to the loneliness of wondering "but, what now?"

When you are ready to take it to the next level, you decide to see for yourself what Science of Mind classes are really all about. What you find is a spiritual gathering place for people who are committed to greater focus and clarity in determining what they really want their lives to be about. You also find a common purpose and desire to more deeply understand and apply Universal Laws.

Those who "stay the course" form an incredible bond, unified by their dedication to applying spiritual principles to the everyday problems of human living. This is a movement from theory to embodiment. As you study the Science of Mind, you awaken to the dawning of new insights upon your consciousness. Suddenly, the words Life, Principle, Reality, the Law of Mind, Pure Awareness, God, and Spiritual Mind Treatment take on a new significance. There is an excitement in working and supporting you and others in using the Science of Mind and Spirit, to more effectively, promptly, and constructively move through obstacles and ultimately to manifest desired results.

See the Calendar page for current classes, seminars and workshops.

What Students Say about Science of Mind Classes:

"I wanted something to change and through classes I realized I needed to be the change I wanted to see." K.N.

"Science of Mind principles are simple, and yet demand daily practice and application. When I was willing to do the work, that's when new and great manifestations started occurring in my life." C.F.

"Science of Mind saved my life. No kidding!. Through learning how to think I really did learn how to live a full rich life " L.S.

"Classes keep me growing. When I am involved in classes I continually work my practices and learn more about myself, which reawakens within me my Divine greatness." C.L.

"I awoke to the inner dynamics of why I was experiencing such turmoil in my life!" M.T.

"Science of Mind classes were the door that opened me not only to the spiritual principles that govern my life, but to incredible bonding with my like-minded class members!" S.M.

"Seek and ye shall find. Well, classes gave me the permission to see with new eyes and to seek from within myself for the answers and the love I desired." M.S


©2022 Center for Spiritual Living, Carlsbad